Tuesday, 24 May 2011

 City Cyber cafe is only the place where we can explore the world at one desk.
                 "Here is the only trusted place where the PAN card ,Driving Licence , vehicle insurance,life insurance are made "
  Unlimited downloading,surfing,project making related to visual basic 6.0 , advanced java,office file,project file etc.
                    Information related to the job and the job recruiment can be obtained here within a minute , "Just surf the world with your experience , is best way to gain knowledge"
Umang , i am interested in chatting,exploring facebook,interested in downloading picture,movies,wallpaper,music, and the information regarding the science related subject
Just play the game, play the game at one site under the same desk of internet cafe.

My LED helps to see more clear , sharpness, in respect of clarity as well as the power consumption.
use low power devices is the main motto of my cyber cafe.
Make the project,files ,search for the related topic, just needs to "gain knowledge".

I satisfied with the internet searching as the quality of knowledge resides here.
Have a appreciation , just belief with the best knowledgeable person over the net as in case o business transaction.

ya! i got my eBook related to the topic , well i interested to surf the net to the engineering invention and innovation.
"Deal with greater capacity is my motto "
"Love to surf and explore the world just to have information"
    "Being here i always evaluate myself as to be always prepare yourself to fast trend"
"Every moment i am in search of gaining in the sharing market"

"Oh ! really am i a man of todays knowledge"
"Here is the place to serve ourself with no knowledge of time "
"Come here and enjoy the light shower of knowledge and exprience with emense utilization of human mind"

"My Font area , i like the most ,have good Deal to be here "
"I am a business man but i usually utilize the time to make the friend ,beside this i sure that to be here u not utilize the time rather to have some gain related to the future as well"

"Job seeker , My recruitment ,my job at one desk only"
"Online Banking ,transfer your money with ease and security"

 "Just type the formal and informal letter for my bussiness"

"Location : in front of Gurudwara"
Surguja District(C.G).
"Always pray to God to be honest in my jok to succeed"
"Infront of Mini tent pandal house"

"Near well known Surguja hardware Proprietor"
Shop Holder :  S.N Hussan and Girish Prajesh
Created By : Satish And S.N Hussan